Cosi Cosa"Why A Duck?" @ |
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These funny little words
don't really mean a thing.
It's just a phrase, that nowadays
Italians love to sing.
Cosi Cosa!
It's a wonderful word tra-la-la-la.
When anyone asks you how you are,
It's proper to say Cosi Cosa.
Cosi Cosa!
If a lady should ask you if you care,
You don't have to start a love affair,
Say Cosi Cosa!
Does it mean "Yes?"
Does it mean "No?"
Well, yes and no!
Cosi Cosa!
Get together and sing tra-la-la-la.
It's easy this way so try today
And learn to say Cosi Cosa.
Cosi Cosa!
Cosi Cosa!
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©1995-2006, Frank M. Bland
The pages under were originally created by Frank Bland for his site Frank did kindly give me permission to use the contents of his site.
If you find text referring to "I" or "me" on pages under, this will usually refer to Frank.