Articles about the Marx Brothers, their movies, stage shows etc.
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Pomostowski, Piotr: Go West, czyli bracia Marx dosiadają żelaznego konia
Abstrakt (from "The article is about the tenth image by famous Marx Brothers. Author of the text carried out a thorough analysis of the film Go West for the current in the game with western conventions. The text consists of five parts – introduction and four separate mini-chapters. In the first context the statement made b y the film Go West (by Edward Buzzel) the masterpiece of silent cinema – Iron Horse directed by John Ford, seeing the first image of a series of references to the other one. The second part is devoted to the image of Indians in the film Go West in the context of the existing schemes in the cinema of the thirties and forties. In the next section the author discusses the functions used in film music, and in the last – the final chase sequence, seeing in it references to the tradition of film slapstick. In conclusion, the author states that the game with conventions manifests itself not only in the film for a specific genre, but also the cinema in general, which in 1940 was an innovative solution."
Woollcott, Alexander: Harpo Marx and Some Brothers
Review of 'I'll Say She Is'
King, Fay: Fay King Finds Fun Galore in 'I'll Say She Is'
Woollcott, Alexander: Plays and Players in These Parts
Woollcott, Alexander: A Mother of the Two-A-Day
Oettinger, Malcolm H.: The most amusing family in the world
(N.N.): Marx Bros. Picture
Kennedy, John B.: Slapstick Stuff
... a biographical overview of the family, and an analysis of their comedy as dependent upon being "clean and crude-for there's money in the old slapstick." (Gehring)
Hammond, Percy: Zeppo Also Serves, Who Only Stands and Waits
Wilson, B.F.: The Mad Marxes Make for the Movies
One of the first film articles on the Marx Brothers (Gehring)
Hammond, Percy: The Favorite Marx Bros. in 'Animal Crackers,' a Rough, Handsome and Irresponsible Clown-Opera
Woollcott, Alexander: Portrait of a Man with Red Hair
Golden, Sylvia B.: Confessions of the Marx Brothers
(N.N.): Marx Brothers in Films
Fensterstock, Howard: A Journalistic Scream: An Imaginary Interview with the Marx Brothers
Woollcott, Alexander: Obituary [of Minnie Marx]
(Shouts and Murmurs Column)
(N.N.): Those Marx Brothers
Spensley, Doris: The Sex Life of "The Cocoanuts"
(N.N.): London Hails Four Marxes
about the reaction of London newspapers to their show at the Palace
Mannock, Laura: Full Marx Brothers
"Poor fan-magazine interview with Groucho and Chico, but nice illustrations." (Eyles, 1969)
(N.N.): Marx Brothers in Revue
(N.N.): Marx Brothers
(N.N.): (full-page interview with the Marx Brothers)
Hardy, Forsyth: Horse Feathers
Artaud, Antonin: Les Frères Marx au Cinéma du Panthéon
(N.N.): Roses, Love and Shotguns from Harpo Marx
Hamilton, Sara: The Nuttiest Quartette in the World
(N.N.): Horse Feathers
Cover article
Hall, Mordaunt: These Boisterous Marx Brothers
(N.N.): Marx and Lloyd Nonsense
(N.N.): The Marx Brothers
L. D.: Aventures Abracadabrantes et Funam Bulesques
Article about 'Horsefeathers'
(N.N.): These Mad Marxmen
features a short interview with Groucho and Chico regarding their starring roles on the Five Star Theater program (Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel)
(N.N.): As Others See Us
(N.N.): The Marx Brothers Abroad
Reprints reviews of 'Horse Feathers' by Birrell and Soupalt
(N.N.): Refineries 'Five-Star-Theatre' for Every Type of Radio Listener
About Groucho's and Chico's Radio Show
Chavance, Louis: The Four Marx Brothers as Seen by a Frenchman
(N.N.): Marx Break Reported
(N.N.): Marx Brothers Incorporate
(N.N.): Marxes m with Sam Harris on 6 other Pix; Seek a Broadway Show
Beranger, Clara: The Woman Who Taught Her Children to be Fools
(N.N.): 4 Marx Brothers Now Are 5
(N.N.): Harpo Marx Talks
Cohen, John S., Jr.: 'Duck Soup', A Marxian (Brothers) Burlesque That Is Below Their Standard
Woollcott, Alexander: A Strong Silent Man
Schallert, Edwin: Marx Brother Due for Vacation from Movies
(N.N.): Harpo Marx Back, A Caviar Convert
Article on Harpo's return from the USSR
(N.N.): Visit to Russia Looses Tongue of Harpo Marx
Barnes, Howard: The Playbill: Hart-Sherwood-Marx
(N.N.): It's 3 Marx Brothers Now, Zeppo Quits Stooge Role
Guss, Harry L.: Marx Bros.' New Stage Tryout Idea Of Film's Scenes; Timing Laughs
Churchill, Douglas W.: News and Gossip From Hollywood: The Marxes as Guinea Pigs for a State-Screen Experiment
(N.N.): Plucking a Few Notes from Harpo
(N.N.): Screen: 'A Night at the Opera' Will Win Converts to Marxism
(N.N.): (Marx Brothers on the Cover)
Sammis, Edward R.: Those Mad Marx Hares: As Revealed by the Fifth Marx Brother to Edward R. Sammis
Dixon, Campbell: Film Notes: The Marx Brothers
Simpson, Grace: GROUCHO looks at CHARLIE: The Maddest Marx Recalls the Day When He 'Discovered' the Genius in Chaplin
(N.N.): (2-page article on the Marx Brothers)
(N.N.): Three Mad Marxes Test Gags for movies
(N.N.): A Marxian Experiment
(N.N.): Marx Bros. Use 11 Different Acts in 11 Shows in Windup Vaude Wk.
Johnston, Alva: The Scientific Side of Lunacy
Carle, Teet: Laughing Stock: Common or Preferred
Source for several anecdotes (Adamson)
Thurber, James: James Thurber Presents 'Der Tag Aux Courses'
Lang, Harry: A Day with the Mad Marxes
(N.N.): A Day at The Races, or Facts about the Marxes
Carle, Teet: The Silent member of the Marx Trio
Scheuer, Philip K.: Three Marx Brothers Interviewed
(N.N.): Love Plots Aids Marx Laughs
Interview with Sam Wood
Baskette, Kirtley: Hoodlums at Home
(N.N): Life goes to a Party - with four playrights, a producer & Harpo Marx for a quiet week end in the country
Lots of pictures of Harpo, Susan, Mr. & Mrs. George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart, Lilian Hellman and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dietz, Has Harpo on the cover.
Stein, Aaron: Mad Marxes Guest Star on Radio
Chico's and Groucho's guest appearance on the 'Lany Ross-Charles Butterworth Show'
(N.N.): 2 Marx Bros. Fined, Escape Jail Term
About a trial against Groucho and Chico for copyright infringement with their Radio Show
Heppner, Sam: He's not so dumb
This is an interview with Harpo's harp teacher Mildred Dilling. It is an article on the back inside cover of a booklet of sheet music.
Churchill, Douglas, W.: A Script Survives The Marxes
(N.N.): Imagine Three Marx Brothers Playing 'Straight', Yet They Do
Nugent, Frank S.: Speaking of Comedy
about 'Room Service', he also wrote a review of that film
Dubreuilli, Simone: Le Genie Des Frères Marx
Atkinson, Brooks: (Groucho interview)
Seton, Marie: Salvador Dali + 3 Marxes =
Creelman, Eileen: Picture Plays and Players: Chico, the Piano-playing Marx, Talks of 'Marx Bros. at the Circus'
(N.N.): Marxmen Shoot to Kill
Greene, Graham: The Marx Brothers at the Circus
(N.N.): Chico Is Not Sure What His Band Will Do But He Knows He'll Play Piano with an Orange
Buzzell, Edward: Mocked and Marred by the Marx Brothers
Hecht, Ben: Don Harpo de la Mancha
Greene, Laurence: We're Through, Groucho Marx Confesses
Othman, Frederick C.: Marx Brother, Sick of Movies, to Quit
Delahanty, Thornton: Groucho Plans to Write after Quitting Films
N.N.: Groucho, Harpo & Rio Chico RR.
A reel railway in which the Marx Brothers take over the Sierra RR. [for the filming of "Go West"]. Two pages with pictures and short text.
Anstey, Edgar: The Marx Brothers Go West
Hayes, Francis: Just a Gesture
about Harpo
(N.N.): Marxes Not Through Yet
(N.N.): Views and Reviews at the Palace: Chico Marx and His Piano Head Stage Show; Western on Screen
Othman, Frederick C.: Comics Only ½-There, Holds Groucho Marx
Rosenfield, John: Arthur (Harpo) Marx, 'Surrealist Comedian'
Morris, Mary: News: Girl Chases Marx Brothers
Chronicle of 'A Night in Casablanca' (Adamson)
Roy, Claude: Les démons de l'homme absurde
Marshall, Jim: The Marx Menace
(N.N): How to Be a Spy - Groucho Marx prepares for movie by intensive study of espionage
Part of the promotion for "A Night in Casablanca". This articles has pictures showing Groucho at spying activities. Also some pictures from the movie.
Gray, Andrew: Harpo the Maestro
Short article about Harpo on the occasion of the release of "A Night at the Opera".
Shanklin, Gertrude: The Royal Family of Riot
Crowther, Bosley: Those Marx Men
Rowland, Richard: American Classic
"A short but well-written and appreciative study of the Marx Bros. from seven of their films." (Eyles, 1969)
(N.N.): Hairbreadth Harpo
Four pages with pictures from "Love Happy" and a very small bit of text.
(N.N.): Master Marx
about YBYL getting the Peabody award
(N.N.): Groucho's Garland of Gags: They Come in Many Colors, Including Off
(N.N.): What Comes Naturally
about DeSoto as new sponsor for YBYL
Rosten, Leo: Groucho: The Man from Marx
"Humorous appreciation of Groucho." (Eyles, 1969)
Adams, Val: Groucho in Mufti
(N.N.): Groucho Marx Sheds Wife as He Plays Court Scene in Real Life
(N.N.): Groucho Marx: A Sharp Knife in a Stale Cake
(N.N.): Groucho Rides Again
Cover Story
(N.N.): Groucho Marx: He Loves To Fool People
Three page article mainly about "You Bet Your Life"
(N.N.): Groucho Marx
Cover article
Johnson, Grade: My Life At Finishing School
Groucho's Ph.D. in effrontery
Rosten, Leo: The Secret Letters of Julius Marx
16 letters of Groucho with some comments from Rosten.
Scott, John L.: King Leer Groucho Still Rules with Raised Brow, Barbed Wire
Perelman, S.J.: A Weekend with Groucho Marx
Carroll, Sydney: The Five Marx Brothers and how they shrank
(N.N.): (Groucho on Cover)
(N.N.): Groucho's SWG Monologue
SWG: Screen Writers Guide
(N.N.): For the First Time: The Truth About Groucho's Ad Libs
(N.N.): (Groucho on Cover)
(N.N.): no laughing matter
Article about Groucho, Harpo and Jimmy Durante as judges in a beauty contest.
Sherry, Ken: The Great Groucho
Ken Sherry is a pseudonym for Dick Vosburgh
Martin, André: Les Marx Brothers ont-ils une âme
"Long, useful and stimulating study of the Marx Brothers with generous script extracts from 'Animal Crackers' and 'Monkey Business'. But doesn't deal with every film and has inaccuracies " (Eyles, 1969)
(N.N.): Groucho: Love keeps him young
Johnson, Robert E.: The Marx Man's Targets
Marx, Eden Hartford: My Life with Groucho
(as told to Liza Wison, plus frequent Groucho asides)
(N.N.): Why Groucho Marx is TV's most hated entertainer
Daniels, Stephen: The criminal record of Groucho and Chico Marx
about the copyright infringement case in 1937
Kurnitz, Harry: Return of the Marx Brothers
Smith, Cecil: Why Groucho Sends Viewers
Jenkins, Dan: Everyone's a Critic
(N.N.): My Life with Groucho
article about Groucho and Melinda and cover photo of them
Martin, Pete: I Call on Groucho
Eells, George: The Secret of Groucho
(N.N.): The Stupider the Better
(N.N.): The Marx Brothers Now
Humphrey, Hal: Groucho Diagnoses Our Ailing Comedy
Rosten, Leo: The Lunar World of Groucho Marx
(Cover Story)
N.N.: (something by or about Groucho)
Keywords: magazine, comedy, humor, Groucho Marx warehouse
Salmaggi, Bob: Candid Quipster
Humphrey, Hal: Chico Marx, the Dubious Smuggler, Is Back Again
Kerouac, Jack: To Harpo Marx
(N.N.): Lord High Groucho
Mars, François: Autopsie du gag
Weatherby, W.J.: Marxmanship (from an interview with Billy Wilder)
(N.N.): Groucho Enlightens Capp on the Marx Brand of Humor
(N.N.): Harpo Leers, Frowns ... and SPEAKS
Perelman, S.J.: The Winsome Foursome: How to get Batty with the Marx Brothers when Writing a Film Called 'Monkey Business'
(N.N.): Harpo in Toyland
Ryskind, Morrie: Marx Bros. vs. the Kennedy Bros.
Olsson, Lars: (article on the career of the Marx Brothers with filmography)
Marcabru, Pierre: Les Marx Brothers son toujours debout
Allombert, Guy: Les Marx Brothers, un univers de dëmence consciente
(N.N.): The Harp, the Piano and the Mustache
Tynan, Kenneth: Groucho, Perelman and Tynan Talk about Funny Men
Crowther, Bosley: The Silent Articulator
Salute to Harpo
(N.N.): Harpo - The silent genius who made laughter ring out
Obituary for Harpo
(N.N.): The quiet one
Obituary for Harpo
Laura, Ernesto G.: Il contributo dei Marx Brothers alla nascita del film comico sonoro
"Long study of the Marxes' work, with filmography and bibliography." (Eyles, 1969)
Martin, André: Harpo Marx a n'en plus finir
"Farewell tribute to Harpo." (Eyles, 1969)
Philippe, Claude-Jean: La comédie burlesque et le surréalisme
makes a surrealist case for the Marx Brothers
Eyles, Allen: Great Films of The Century: 'A Night at The Opera'
Durgnat, Raymond: World of Comedy
(N.N.): A Few Remarks from Groucho
Weibel, Peter: Plädoyer für den Marxismus
This magazine has also short biographies and a short filmography
(N.N.): Chuzpe unter Brüdern
about the Marx Brothers on German TV for the first time
Rohauer, Raymond: Tribute to the Marx Brothers
Brochure commemorating festival of Marx Brothers Films, largely compromised of "An Interview with Groucho Marx"
Shabecoff, Philip: A Belated Treat for Germans: Marx Brothers Movies on TV
Zimmerman, Paul D.: Epistles of Groucho
Review of 'The Groucho Letters'
Canby, Vincent: Captain Spaulding Is Now a Lion
Oppenheimer, George: Forever Groucho
Julius, Gerhard (Photographer): Barbara Marx (cover photograph)
Adamson, Joe: The Seventeen Preliminary Scripts of 'A Day at the Races'
Cover Story
Shenker, Israel: Is Groucho Serious? You Bet Your Life
Altman, Robert; Carroll, Jon; Goodwin, Michael: Groucho Marx: Portrait of the Artist As an Old Man
(N.N.): A Night at the Marx Brothers
Ebert, Roger: Groucho Remembers Mama
Mauriac, Claude: Le Retour des Marx Brothers
Astruc, Alexandre: Les Marx Brothers
Article about the Brothers on the occasion of a showing of "Horse Feathers"
Mardore, Michel: La tendence Groucho
Seymour, Pascal; Villalonga, Jérôme; Tristan, Frederick: La trinité marxienne
Carpozi, George Jr.: The Marx Brothers ... Minnie's Boys Made Their Marx
Seven page article with many picture in the "Nostalgia" section
Adamson, Joe: Film Favorite: Joe Adamson on 'Monkey Business'
Brown, Geoffrey: The Marx Brothers
Simsolo, Noël: Les Marx Brothers
This 65-page article about the Marx Brothers takes up about half of this magazine
Adamson, Joe: Duck Soup the Rest of Your Life
Donnelly, William: A Theory of the Comedy of the Marx Brothers
Gili, Jean A.; Chassigneux, André; Braucourt, Guy; Moret, Henry: Sur les Marx Brothers
Ace, Goodman: Report on Groucho
"Top of My Head"-column
Lax, Eric: The secret word is 'Groucho,' and he wins some Iowa hearts
about Groucho's performance in Ames
Ebert, Roger: A Living Legend Rated R
Fleming, Erin: Groucho Marx, the Comic's Comic, Has the last Word About Women, Maybe
Carle, Teet: From Gags to Riches
Anobile, Richard J.: Penthouse Interview: GROUCHO
(N.N.): Sandscript: Harpo Marx Was Silent On Screen But Susan Speaks Her Mind
Adamson, Joe: Alias Julius Henry Marx
Wetzel, Kraft: Marx Brothers
Chandler, Charlotte: Groucho Marx: A Candid Conversation with Minna [sic] Marx's Third - and funniest - son
- (español) El País Semanal, Spain, 10 May 1998 titled: Groucho Marx, el gran cómico (Interview from Playboy, 1974), translated by: Herminia Bevia, Antonio Resines - M Press, 2008, ISBN: 1 595 82066 3 (ISBN-13: 9781595820662) / in "The Playboy Interviews: The Comedians" Check availability (amazon*): |
Westerbeck, Colin L., Jr.: Marxism
Marx Brother revival
Gussow, Mel: Groucho Back in Town for 'Animal Crackers'
Carroll, Kathleen: Even at 83, Groucho's Not at Wit's End
(N.N.): (Article about Groucho)
cover article on J.Coburn; also Ken Russell/Groucho Marx/Howard Hawks
Dembart, Lee: Groucho's 1950's Quiz Show is a Hit All Over Again
Ace, Goodman: 'The Peoples Won't Understand It'
(N.N.): Groucho Marx at 85
4 page article with 4 pictures by Lloyd Shearer
Elderkin, Phil.: Groucho Marx: Lunch With a Master at Roasting the Audience
(N.N.): (Article about the Brothers)
also has articles about "Welcome Back Kotter", Sweathogs, Muhammad Ali, Carol Burnett, Futureworld
(N.N.): Groucho Marx Plays Without a Moustache and Misses a Tumble
about Groucho playing in a straight role in "Twentieth Century"
(N.N.): Missing Marx
Short article and photos about a courtroom scene missing from At the Circus
Dunn, Jerry: Groucho
Kerr, Walter: The Marx Brothers and How They Grew
Kivingston, Edward: Cheesecake & Cocoanuts - An Interview with Groucho Marx
E-Go Collector's Series No.5: The History of the Marx Brothers and Comedy
Hopkins, Jay S.: Marx Bros. Meet Laurel & Hardy
Hopkins, Jay S.: Music and the Marx Brothers
Brandlmeier, Thomas: Filmkomiker: Die Marx Brothers
Limmer, Wolfgang: Die Erzbengel der Anarchie
obituary for Groucho
Schickel, Richard: The Marx Brothers
(N.N.): His kids and his consort wage an unseemly court case over an ailing Groucho Marx
Rosenblatt, Roger: Back of the Book: At the Circus Go West
Erin Fleming vs. Arthur Marx
Michener, Charles: Comedy's King Leer
Bazelaire, William de: Groucho Marx
Obiturary for Groucho
(N.N.): (Tribute to Groucho)
Alion, Yves: Nécrologie de Groucho Marx
Thomson, David: Groucho Marx: A Retrospective
Bory, Jean-Louis; Cluny, Claude Michel: Les Marx Brothers
Brecher, Irving: The Marx Brothers: Utter confusion
Evanier, Mark: Groucho and Us
This might be the same article which appeared in Evanier's comic book "Crossfire and Rainbow"
(N.N.): 'I'll say she is'
Hopkins, Jay: 'Room Service'
Podboy, Patricia A.: Post Marx: Groucho in Retrospect
Wesolowski, Paul G.: Say the secret word
Wessel, Kipp: Always leave 'em laughing
Chandler, Charlotte: What Are They Laughing at, Julie?
Friedman, Josh Alan: A Memory of Groucho
Carle, Teet: Fun' Working with the Marx Brothers? Horsefeathers!
Chandler, Charlotte: Hello, I Must be Going
excerpts from the book
Dixon, Peter: 'A Night in the Ukraine'
Mezerow, Jerry: Hail and Farewell
Wesolowski, Paul G.: An Evening with Lewis J. Stadlen
(N.N.): The Captain has arrived
Balasko, Susan: Fighting for her honor
Baron, Alec: Groucho and 'Groucho at Large'
Wesolowski, Paul G.: Les Marderosian - an interview
Wesolowski, Paul G.: What do you fellows get an hour
Wessel, Kipp: Inside 'You Bet Your Life'
Hudeir, André: The Marx Brothers
Eagle, Maria: Can Women Laugh?
Fessier, Bruce: Eulogy to Zeppo
Herman, Karen: They Laughed Problems Away
Mezerow, Jerry: Collecting Marx Posters
Weide, Robert B.: Going Going Gone
Wesolowski, Paul G.: Zeppo Marx
(N.N.): TFG interviews Bob Dwan
(N.N.): TFG interviews John Diedrich
Hopkins, Jay: A club which would have you as a member
Wessel, Kipp: Comrade Harpo
(an in-depth look at Harpo's trip to Russia)
Limmer, Wolfgang: Brüder der Wonne der Freiheit
(N.N.): Metamorphosis
(a comparison of the stage and screen versions of 'Animal Crackers')
(N.N.): TFG interviews John Guedel
Dixon, Peter: Groucho in Britain
(an inside look at Groucho's British TV program)
Pointon, Michael: London to Hollywood in search of the Marx Brothers
(a BBC producer tracks down interviewees for a radio series on American humor)
(N.N.): Deputy Seraph
(a brief look at a long-lost Marx Bros. TV series pilot)
Dixon, Peter: First appearance in Europe!
(a well-researched look at the Marxes' British debut in 1922)
Myers, Mike: Are you really Groucho Marx?
(an inside look at 'You Bet Your Mall')
Norman, Barry: Interview with Zeppo, Part 1
(Zeppo's last interview)
Wesolowski, Paul G.: The Marx Brothers' Paramount contract
(a fascinating analysis of the terms of their second Paramount contract)
Kerr, Walter: Chico, the Utterly Indispensible Marx
(N.N.): des Marx Brothers ...
Three short quotes about the Brothers on the occasion of the showing of three of their movies on French television
Rodgers, Will: The Singing Don't Hurt
Review of the Brothers' music
Dixon, Peter: British Broadcasting welcomes Chico
Norman, Barry: Interview with Zeppo, Part 2
Wesolowski, Paul G.: The contract that almost was, Part I
(N.N.): Family bond
(an editorial on Erin Fleming)
Koenig, David: A visit with Charlie Barton
Wesolowski, Paul G.: A rose by any other name
(a complete Margaret Dumont filmography loaded with photos)
Wesolowski, Paul G.: The contract that almost was, Part II
Carrère, Emmanuel: Interview imaginaire avec les Marx Brothers
Fleming, Erin: Loving Groucho wrecked my life
Mellencamp, Patricia: Jokes and Their Relation to the Marx Brothers
Keywords: general literature; film; role of jokes; in films; of Marx Brothers; semiotic approach; psychoanalytic approach
(N.N.): A rose by any other name
(more photos of Margaret Dumont in her non-Marx roles)
(N.N.): Erin, who made his life worth living
(a day-by-day account of the Bank of America's lawsuit against Erin Fleming)
(N.N.): 'Duck Soup' pressbook stories
(N.N.): Quotation Marx
(the most often quoted of Groucho's lines)
(N.N.): TFG consumer report: Groucho glasses
(a humorous comparison of a dozen different brands)
Koenig, David: Lasspari sings again, an interview with Walter Woolf King
Teet Carle: The Olympics
(the Marx Brothers and the 1932 Olympics)
Wesolowski, Paul G.: Brother against Brother
(a comprehensive look at the real story behind Groucho's famous letters to Warner Brothers)
Benayoun, Robert; Alion, Yves; Bugerman, Francine: Special Marx Brothers Duck Soup - Monkey Business
French Cinema magazine. Translation of the scripts and film stills.
deLoof, Dennis P.: A constructive analysis of three early Marx Brothers films
(A special 24-page issue with an academic look at the 'Cocoanuts', 'Animal Crackers' and 'Horse Feathers')
(N.N.): Collecting Marx Bros. memorabilia
(N.N.): Eden Marx
(N.N.): Spotlight on an author
(a short bio of Zimmerman's career)
(N.N.): Visit to Fredonia, NY
(exposing the publicity stunt)
Olszewski, Mike: WERE/TFG interviews Arthur Marx
Wesolowski, Paul G.: A rather mistreated book
(the inside story behind Paul D. Zimmerman's 'The Marx Brothers at the Movies')
(N.N.): 'Go West' pressbook
(N.N.): Introducing J. Cheever Loophole
(a missing scene from 'At the Circus' is recreated with photos and dialogue)
Hopkins, Jay: TFG interviews Nat Perrin
Olszewski, Mike: WERE/TFG interviews Allen Jones
Wesolowski, Paul G.: The life of the Marx Brothers
(the film biography that never was)
(N.N.): (Article about the Brothers)
Diot, Rolande: Chaos par K.O.: un exemple d'incompatibilité d'humour, le doublage et le sous-titrage des films de Marx Brothers
Winokur, Mark Brian: 'Smile Stranger': Aspects of Immigrant Humor in the Marx Brothers' Humor
Keywords: general literature; film; humor; treatment of immigrants; Marx Brothers
(N.N.): 'A Night in Elsinore', a comedy by Richard Nathan, Part 1
(N.N.): 'A Night in Elsinore', a comedy by Richard Nathan, Part 2
(N.N.): The Marx "Kids"
(a look at Marx offspring: Harpo's daughter Minnie Eagle and her family, Gummo's grandson Gregg Marx, Groucho's daughter Miriam Allen)
Ferrante, Frank: Morrie Ryskind, his humor - his touch of genius
Snow, Dana A.: A Day at Universal Studios
(Les Marsden's antics as Groucho)
Galestin, Paul: The Marx Brothers: Verbal and Visual Nonsense in Their Films
Keywords: general literature; film; use of nonsense; relationship to the visual; the verbal; in Marx Brothers films
- Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo American Letters, 16:3, 237-248, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1986, ISSN: 0046-0842 - Tigges-Wim (ed.): "Explorations in the Field of Nonsense", Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1987, ISBN: 90 6203 699 6 (ISBN-13: 9789062036998) Check availability (amazon*): |
Gehring, Wes D.: Groucho Lost & Found: His Other Letters
Bader, Robert S.: Needlemarx
(the complete list of over 88 Marx-related records)
Olszewski, Mike: WERE/TFG interviews Kitty Carlisle Hart
(N.N.): Buy us savings bonds
(an ad featuring Harpo)
Bader, Robert S.: Son of Needlemarx
(a few additions to the Marx Bros. discography)
Michael Cahill: Nacogdoches revisited
(an attempt to track down the legend of how the Marxes became comedians)
Oliver, Edith: Marxes by Marx
about "Groucho - A Life in Revue"
Janoff, Barry: Horse of a Different Feather
N.N.: Groucho, el canibal del verbo
(N.N.): Freedonia Marxonia 1987
(the first annual Marx Bros. film festival and symposium at the State University of New York)
Charles Kochman: Not gone ... and not forgotten
(Maxine Marx's retirement party)
Kiesewetter, John: Groucho left his Marx on comedy
(reflections on the tenth anniversary of Groucho's death)
Snow, Dana A.: Every gagwriter's story
(a well-researched look at the life and career of Al Boasberg)
(N.N.): First appearance in Europe?
(world famous Marx authority PGW visits London)
Wesolowski, Paul G.: More than you ever wanted to know about Gummo Marx
Morris, Christopher-D.: The Ithyphallus as Lacanian Signifier in the Marx Brothers' Comedies
Keywords: general literature; film; comic film; phallic imagery; as signifier; in films; by Marx Brothers; theories of Lacan, Jacques
Benito, Joaquín: Diez Años sin Groucho Marx
Janik, Vicki K.: The Marx Brothers
Keywords: dramatic-arts; film-; film-genres; comic-film; persona-; of Marx-Brothers; as clown-
(N.N.): Cataloguing your collection
(N.N.): Needlemarx
(reviews of current records and more old records for our discography)
P.S. Fragola: Confessions of a Marx Brothers addict
(an original comedic essay)
Scott Wilson: The unsung foil? Thelma Todd
(N.N.): Newly discovered Vaudeville photos
(N.N.): The Marx Bros. as farmers
(a local correspondent's look at their days in LaGrange)
Wesolowski, Paul G.: The making of 'Duck Soup' & 'Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel'
(including the Bros.' feud with Paramount)
(N.N.): Consumer update
(more comments on Groucho glasses)
Jefry Abraham: The Marx Bros. vs. the Ritz Bros.
Michael A. Yahn: You bet your life: the lost episodes
(a humorous premise in cartoon)
Paul G. Wesolowski and others: A complete Marx Bros. bookography, Part 1
(N.N.): Editorial cartoons from the US and Canada exploring the link between Karl and his cousins
Paul G. Wesolowski and others: A complete Marx Bros. bookography, Part 2
(an informative list of all worldwide editions of Marx books originally published 1967-1973)
White, Raymond D.: The Groucho Club
(the exclusive London literary club)
Gehring, Wes D.: The Marx Of Time
Keywords: American literature; 1900-1999; Allen, Woody; Hannah and Her Sisters; film; compared to Gilliam, Terry; Brazil; sources in Marx Brothers films; general literature; film
Oursler, Fulton: My Dinner with Groucho
Newsom, Ted: "Deputy Seraph"
about the film pilot
Kaufmann, Anette: Der Marxismus lebt! Groucho und seine Brüder
Sammelrezension von / combined review of "Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel", Chandler, Charlotte: "Groucho und seine Freunde", Marx, Harpo/Barber, Rowland: "Harpo spricht!"
- (deutsch) niemeyer, 19 Sep 1990, ISSN: 2196-4270 / in "medienwissenschaft: rezensionen", 4/1990 read online |
(N.N.): 'Po knows
(Harpo and sports)
Andrew Greenaway: A Night at the Paris
(the BBC radio production of 'Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel')
Delaney, Peter: Night at the revival theater
(New York revival theaters)
Paul G. Wesolowski and others: A complete Marx Bros. bookography, Part 3
Sen, Rajib: Poor Marx for India
(the lack of Marxian movies in India)
(N.N.): 'Po knows
(Harpo and more sports, including outtakes from 'Animal Crackers')
(N.N.): Happy Birthday Groucho
(how the world celebrated Groucho's centennial)
Paul G. Wesolowski and others: A complete Marx Bros. bookography, Part 4
Groch, John R.: What Is a Marx Brother? Critical Practice, Industrial Practice, and the Notion of the Comic Auteur
Keywords: general literature; film; film genres; comic film; role of authorship; relationship to Marx Brothers
Segaloff, Nat: Masters of Mayhem
Catsos, Gregory J. M.: Night and Day with the Marx Bros.
Interview with Allan Jones
Bader, Robert S.: A part-time, on-the-fringe writer?
(an in-depth look at Groucho's career as a writer)
Ascher-Walsh, Rebecca: A Day at the Courthouse
about Erin Fleming
Gehring, Wes D.: Television's Other Groucho
Keywords: dramatic arts; television; role of Marx, Groucho; on You Bet Your Life quiz show
Haas, Scott: The Marx Brothers, Jews, and My Four-Year-Old Daughter
Keywords: dramatic arts; film; treatment of Jewish identity; in Marx Brothers
Fernández, Ángel: Genios del humor
article about Groucho
Arnoldy, Edouard and Dubois, Philippe : Harpo Marx of de stomme die spreekt (zonder iets te zeggen)
In the article the authors argue that the name Harpo is short for Harpocrates, the god of silence
- (nederlands) in "Woordenloosheid" (Bart Verschaffel & Mark Verminck eds.), cahier 2 of the series "Vertoog & literatuur", Antwerpen, 1993 - in "Wordlessness" (Bart Verschaffel & Mark Verminck eds.), Lilliput Press, Dublin, Ireland, 1993 titled: Harpo Marx or the mute who speaks (without uttering a word) - (nederlands) excerpts in "Raster. Nieuwe reeks. Jaargang 1998 (nrs. 81-84)", 1998 / available online at the Dutch National Library |
Saunders, A.J.: The Marx Brothers: Their lives, films - and books
The title says it all. Has a bibliography and price guide (at 1994 level).
Yahn, Michael A.: The Music of the Marx Brothers
(Cover Story)
Winkler, Willi: Ich liebe meine Zigarre
about the German translation of "Groucho and Me"
Hopkins, Jay S.: Brotherly Love: The Marx Brothers' Fraternal Loyalty Helped Create a Comedic Act That Placed Them Among the Most Beloved Performers in Hollywood Hist
Hickey, Matthew: TV's Silent Panic
Article about Harpo's televison work and an interview with his son Bill.
(N.N.): Giraffes on Horseback Salads
Article on the script Salvador Dali proposed for a Marx Brothers film.
Yahn, Michael A.: Remembering 'You Bet Your Life'
Yahn, Michael A.: "Tell em' Groucho Sent Ya"
"Dealing with the popularity of the famous Marxman as a product spokesman" (Yahn)
(N.N.): (article about the Marx Brothers)
8 pages
Amengual, B.: 'Duck Soup' - McCarey with the Marx Brothers
Curtis, Richard: The millionaires of monkey business
Excerpts of transcript of the radio programme "The Birth of Screen Comedy" (BBC Radio 2 on Nov 28, 2000).
French, Tony: I Wonder Whatever Became Of Me?
(examination of the Marx Brothers and their work)(Critical Essay)
Fuentes Luque, Adrián: La recepción del humor audiovisual
estudio comparativo de fragmentos de las versiones doblada y subtitulada al español de la película "Duck soup" de los hermanos Marx
(comparison of the subtitled and dubbed Spanish versions of "Duck Soup")
Geselbracht, Raymond H. : Mutual Admiration and a Few Jokes
The Correspondence of Harry Truman with Groucho and Harpo Marx
Ellis, Allen W.: Yes, Sir: The Legacy of Zeppo Marx
Bartolomé, A.I.; Cabrera, G.: The translation of audiovisual humour of the Marx Brothers in "Sopa de ganso"
("Sopa de ganso" = "Duck Soup")
Nathan, D. A.: "I'm Against It!": The Marx Brothers' Horse Feathers as Cultural Critique or, Why Big-Time College Football Gives Me a Haddock
Kampen, Renke: Die Weltstars aus Dornum
Colvin, Rod: Remembering Harpo: His Life and Legacy
Coover, Robert: The War Between Sylvania and Freedonia
The plot of "Duck Soup" told from Trentino's perspective
Fuentes Luque, Adrián: On the (Mis/Over/Under) Translation of the Marx Brothers' Humour
- in: "Translation, Humour and the Media: Translation and Humour", Vol 2. Delia Chiaro (ed.), Continuum, London, UK, 2010, ISBN: 1 4411 3788 2 (ISBN-13: 9781441137883) / (hardback) Check availability (amazon*): - in: "Translation, Humour and the Media: Translation and Humour", Vol 2. Delia Chiaro (ed.), Continuum, London, UK, 2010, ISBN: 1 4411 7691 8 (ISBN-13: 9781441176912) / (paperback) Check availability (amazon*): |
Carlson, Peter: Encounter: Groucho Marx Lectures T.S. Eliot About King Lear
Farrell, Margaret: I'll Say She Is! (1924): The 'laugh-a-minute revue' that made the Marx Brothers
Fuentes Luque, Adrián: Reír o no reír, esa es la cuestión: la traducción del humor verbal audiovisual. Estudio descriptivo de un fragmento de Duck Soup, de los Hermanos Marx
The title translates as "To laugh, or not to laugh, that is the question"
Campbell, Craig: The Story of the Marx Brothers
N.N.: The Marx Brothers
A cover story about the Marx Brothers and the show that brought them to radio
Voncken, David : From "Five and Ten in Woolworth" to "Negen Jaar in Tienhoven": An Analysis of the Dutch Translation of the Puns and Wordplay in the Marx Brothers Movies
Arends, Silke: Komiker mit Kultstatus
Article about the Brothers and their relation to Minnie's hometown Dornum
(N.N.): Tattling on Groucho
The Marx Brothers - Los Hermanos Marx - האחים מרקס - マルクス兄弟 - Les Freres Marx - 마르크스형제 - Братья Маркс - Bröderna Marx - برادران مارکس - I Fratelli Marx - Братята Маркс - Bracia Marx - Germans Marx - الأخوة ماركس - 馬克思兄弟 - Αδελφοί Μαρξ - Irmãos Marx